Amplification - Quantum

Inversionless amplification and laser-induced transparency at the discrete transitions and the transitions to continuum
5Visits - 0.0 Stars - 1 Vote
Shape of the amplification line corresponding to an adjacent transition in a strong field
0Visits - 0.0 Stars - 1 Vote
Effect of resonance radiative processes on the amplification factor
3Visits - 0.0 Stars - 1 Vote
Noiseless phase quadrature amplification via electro-optic feed-forward
1Visits - 0.0 Stars - 1 Vote
Saturated Amplification of a Collisionally Pumped Optical-Field-Ionization Soft X-Ray Laser at 41.8 nm
1Visits - 4.0 Stars - 2 Vote
Keywords: Amplification - Quantum
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